Wednesday, March 19, 2014

My not so little garden.

Well I have 23 different container plants and 24 different plants growing! They are my little friends hahaha. Just planted some lavender, peas, and spinach mustard and chives today! This is awesome. :) I don't know what I'll do once they are large and take up quite a bit more space. I can't wait until they produce fruit/veggies. It'll be so awesome to go "Hm, I need some tomatoes. Let's just go to the back patio and get some!" It's been so fun to experiment with them and see them grow. I love gardening.


  1. I love this! Hank just planted some onions in an ice cream bucket.. we'll see if we get growth like yours :)

  2. I love the onions! We've even used them a few times. They'll grow quick. You could even see progress every day like we have. :) If you have a garlic clove or two, try those as well. Roots will form within a matter of days and you'll get green shoots that you can use like green onions. :)
