Saturday, September 19, 2015

Saturday is a special day

Remember the primary song that goes "Saturday is a special day, its the day we get ready for Sunday"? That's kinda how most of my day went.

This morning we went to the farmers market with Rebecca, Trevor's mom, and I got tomatoes, potatoes, and apples. After chatting with her, Trevor and I came home and canned the tomatoes. I got 9 quart jars! I couldn't have done it near as fast without him! Together we got them canned pretty fast and all my jars sealed!!! I sure enjoyed my time with him. It was fun to work together in the kitchen!

Today we also cleaned up, did laundry, I made bread, and yummy bagels along with dinner, meal planning and shopping AND we made it to the temple and did sealings. I finished Harry Potter 5 and am now working on 6 and Trevor is doing homework. I'd say we've have a super productive day. I almost put Sunday dinner in the crockpot and stored it on the fridge, but didn't. The house is clean, we have food for the week. Ya. I'd say it's been a good day. :-)

Saturday, September 12, 2015

BYU vs Boise State Football Game!

Woot! After 2 years at BYU we finally went to a football game. We also happened to go to the best game in the season - against Boise State! Secretly, I didn't care who won or lost, I'm from Idaho! I loved seeing the marching bands. Both teams has their bands here! BYU marching has white pants. I totally respect that, knowing from experience, your footwork has to be pristine. I enjoyed the bands and followed along, but once the kickoff happened, I was lost. Lol. It was good fun though. I learned that I probably can't be considered a fan at the games, because everyone is going crazy and I'm over here with my Dumbledore clap. Lol. I'm pretty quite. (Trying to understand why people are screaming down to the refs or field.) Anyway, the game was awesome. I understood the most at the end. There for a while, like almost 2 whole quarters, it looked like we might lose. But, there in the last minute or so, BYU raked in 14 points and "beat the opponent soundly". The ending was awesome. The stadium was completely packed and everyone was screaming and shouting and jumping up and down and all over each other. This was our home opener. The crowd went crazy after it was over and spilled into the field. This game started at 8:15 pm. And at 12:05 we walked through our apartment door. I'm ready for a quite night. ;-) good fun, excited for the next one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Love this guy!

I just want to take a small post to express how much I love Trevor. :-) Life happened to us again this past week or so. I'm do glad I have him by my side! Somehow we are so perfect for each other. Our personalities are so compatible. I feel so blessed to have a strong marriage. He jokes when I'm too serious, he reminds me not to sweat the little things. We encourage each other to be the best we can. We support each other in our endeavors and in the good times as well as the bad. The last two years have been so wonderful. We've grown closer to each other and to God. It hasn't been without it's bumps, bruises, tears and prayers, but it's also been filled with joy, strong love, laughter, adventures, and peace in God's promises. I LOVE YOU TREVOR!

Harry Potter Monopoly (and a puzzle)

We took our Harry Potter monopoly (homemade) set to Yellowstone. After doing a 500 piece puzzle of the BYU stadium, we played a game of monopoly. It was freaking awesome. It was the first game we played on that new set. We all had a riot. Savannah kicked our butts. Can't wait to play again with my brothers and sisters. We had just bought all the properties when dad made us clean up and go to bed. Things were just getting good!

Artistic photos of Biscuit and Black Sand Basin

(These were all taken on my Samsung galaxy phone.)

These photos were taken in Biscuit Basin and Black Sand Basin. Biscuit Basin was interesting because there was a lot of dead trees. You can tell that thermal features come and go, and where they have been, nothing can grow. The ground is white. It kills the trees and plants. You can see in some of the pictures. Because of that, it gives a good example of how hauntingly beautiful and dangerous these thermal features can be. These natural wonders should be respected and given their safe distance.

Biscuit Basin

After black sand basin, we stopped by biscuit basin. This was another one we hasn't stopped by before. This one is different from black sand. The landscape was more barren. In the next post, you will see more pictures of the barren landscape. It did have the river running through it, like the last one. Dad enjoyed watching the fly fishers. We quite enjoyed ourselves, admiring the landscape and features that were unknown to us before. At this point, we were cold from the wind, again we have our hoods on. :-)