Sunday, December 28, 2014

Ramblings about Future Dreams

Any hobby or skill that I pick up and learn is all for a purpose. It's based out of my innate desire to be self-sufficient. Call me independent, that's fine. Lately, among my school studies, I've found myself with a little bit of spare time, which I've taken to research the old skills lost to the new generation. (I've been putting my Pinterest account to good use.) I've been practicing and using skills in canning and dehydrating among others. Call me old fashioned, of which i'm proud. I have borrowed my mother's sewing machine, which I soon hope to start practicing and learning how to sew. I've taught myself how to bake bread, which I now no longer purchase. I've stocked up on food storage. I also experimented and had a container garden this past summer.

Learning to make my own bread has enabled me to stock up on flour (I would stock up on wheat, but don't have a grinder yet). I have (2) 5 gallon buckets full of flour, which I do use. It's handy and helpful because I just purchase flour in bulk when it goes on sale for super cheap. It's also handy because I only spend about $20 on food each week. (This doesn't include my occasional Costco shopping trip).  Instead of spending $3 on a loaf of bread, which goes quickly, I can pick up 3 different veggies. 

I've learned how to dehydrate, since I just got a brand new, very nice dehydrator. (THANKS SUZIE!) Now, I won't waste potatoes that we can't eat, and I can stock up on veggies when they are on sale! I've dehydrated onions, green onions, carrots, celery, bananas, apples, and kale. It's super handy to have them. I try to always have a project which I'm working on, whether it's canning, dehydrating, or something else. 

I've found that I'm not afraid to experiment or fail. We don't learn much from our successes. We learn the most from our failures. I'm not afraid to try something new. That's why I tried having a container garden. That's why I make new dinners. I try using new things or techniques. I have had many loafs of bread not turn out wonderful, but because of my failed loaves of bread, I've been able to perfect my recipe and now make perfect beautiful loaves - and save money while enjoying a lost art. I'm not afraid to deviate from a recipe in order to save money or tailor it to my family and pantry. I've greatly increased my cooking ability since I've been married. It's great been a great accomplishment

Like I said in the beginning, most things I do or make an effort to learn about it because I want to be self-sufficient and do things on my own. I have researched many web pages and have many books on homesteading. These skills give a person the ability to be free. Free from the necessity of the grocery store - if it came to it. This desire does not only reach the physical aspect. I enjoy yoga. I'm not very good, but I do it and enjoy it. I enjoy the physical and spiritual aspect of it. I enjoy essential oils and having various scents in my home. I like living in a holistic way, in a natural way. I avoid medication until it's truly needed. I would take a natural remedy over a medication. This desire expands to the spiritual aspect - which is a whole other post entirely. :) 

I've taken it upon myself to learn the skills required to be self-sufficient and take care of my family. I have big dreams. A future goal of mine is to own some land. Raise cows, goats, chickens, pigs, etc. Have an orchard where I can grow our favorite fruit. Have a garden and grow our fruits and veggies, I want to can or dehydrate our food and do everything I can to provide for ourselves and not rely on anyone else, like a grocery food store. I also want to have our house off the grid. Have a windmill and solar panels, have a water well. I'd love to get into aquaponics. Have a greenhouse. I also plan to homeschool our future children. Call me crazy. But that is my dream, But plans and reality can change. But it's important to always have a dream and a goal. I've enjoyed researching everything that I have. I've been working on teaching  myself the skills I need and the skills that are possible to learn now. (Clearly, I can't have a cow while living in a third story apartment). I've felt blessed from learning the things which I have. I know it'll benefit me in the future.

- SamiMae

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